Human Resources &Training Officer

Job Description

Objectives -To ensure that the organisation can meet it’s objectives by having the right workforce in place.


  • Have a clear understanding of employers business objectives and be able to devise and implement policies that support them.

  • Write and develop job descriptions, person specifications and job adverts.

  • Manage the application process-check application forms, shortlist, interview, select successful candidate/s and inform unsuccessful candidates.

  • Appoint, Develop and retain the right staff.

  • Ensure that prospective staff have the right to work at the organisation.

  • Plan and sometimes deliver training, including new staff inductions.

  • Deal with staff welfare and administration, strategy centred activities.

  • Advise on pay and other benefits.

  • Undertake salary reviews and manage redundancy programmes.

  • Carry out strategy and planning activities and develop strategies to meet immediate and long term staff requirements.

  • Develop and implement policies on issues such as working conditions, performance management, equal opportunities, disciplinary procedures and absence management.

  • Liase with other managers/Directors on how to implement policies and procedures.

  • Monitor staff performance, organisational structure and health and safety.

  • Promote high quality and diversity as part of the culture of the organisation.

  • Negotiate with staff and there representatives (eg. Trade unions officials) on issues relating to pay and conditions, contracts and redundancy.

  • Prepare staff handbooks, maintain employee records.

  • Interpret and advise on employment law.

  • deal with grievances and implement disciplinary procedures.

  • Analyse training needs in conjunction with departmental managers.


    £15 per hour during probationary period.

    £30,681.00 rising to £51,800.00

    OTE £80,000.00 with experience + Package as a Director.